Mars Maltage Cosmo 700ml
Mars Maltage Cosmo 700ml
Mars Maltage Cosmo is a fresh offering from the little known Japanese distillery Shinshu that has the distinction of being listed in the book 101 Whiskys To Try Before You Die. Created by blending Shinshu's own spirits with those sourced from an undisclosed Scottish distillery, Mars Maltage Cosmo is a hybrid of considerable character that is well worth the time to try. Its nose opens with a mild vanilla note that quickly develops into red berry aromas when allowed to breathe. On the palate, citrus, milk chocolate, barley and lite oak spices are well balanced. Mars Maltage Cosmo finishes short and sweet with plum budding, chocolate and some cereal notes quickly evaporating.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Mars |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 43.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Blended Whisky |
Country | Japan |