Lallier Grand Rose 750ml
Lallier Grand Rose 750ml
A sumptuous, bold twist on classic rosé Champagne, rounded with vivid freshness and a delicate but intense taste
Colour: Invigorating light pink.
Nose: Fruit-dominant with fresh cherry, red currant and raspberry notes, and delicate hints of apple and mandarin.
Palate: Rounded taste of red fruits and floral notes, followed by intense freshness and a delicate acidity, with salty length.
Lallier Rosé brightens any aperitif moment with a delicate, sumptuous twist and bursting fruits. Enjoy Lallier rosé distinctive intensity on its own, or with a light gourmet meal. Raw fish or shellfish such a lobster or king crab.
Vintages may vary. Email us at if you would like confirmation.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Lallier |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 12.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Rose Wine |
Style | Rosé |
Country | France |
Barcode | 3554560011404 |