Kim Crawford Pinot Gris 750ml
Kim Crawford Pinot Gris 750ml
Kim Crawford Pinot Noir Red Wine is an exceptionally smooth and well-balanced New Zealand wine. This red wine opens with dense aromas of red berry and dark cherry, complemented by savory undertones and spicy oak. Made with high-quality grapes grown on New Zealand's South Island and harvested in the cool air of night or early morning, this pinot noir wine is juicy with fine tannins. A delicious red wine with bold, ripe, dark fruit flavors of blackberry and black currant, this wine also offers notes of plum, strawberry, black cherry, and spice. This dark red wine has a full-bodied taste and a silky, satisfying finish. Pair this red wine with herb-crusted lamb or mushroom risotto, or enjoy a glass of wine on its own. For best taste of this New Zealand Pinot Noir, store at room temperature, but chill for 30 to 60 minutes before serving.
Vintages may vary. Email us at if you would like confirmation.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Kim Crawford |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | Pinot Gris/Grigio |
Wine Body | Light |
Country | New Zealand |
Region | Hawkes Bay |
Barcode | 9419227009139 |