Deadhead 6 Year Old Rum 750ml
Deadhead 6 Year Old Rum 750ml
Mexico has been a major global producer of sugar since the 1700s and Deadhead Rum is distilled by Rones de Mexico and Jorge Perez Rafael, who is Mexico's most famous distiller. Deadhead Rum's unique shrunken head bottles "pay tribute to Mayan rituals of family protection, triumph, and honour in the Chiapas region" and the rum was launched in 2011 as a homage to Mexico's long history of rum production. Deadhead 6 Year Old Rum is 40% ABV and bursting with bold aromatics of cinnamon, chocolate, coffee, nutmeg and allspice flowing across the palate with complex flavours of anise, caramel and cloves for a beautiful, lingering and spicy finish.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Deadhead |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Rum |
Style | Dark Rum |
Country | Mexico |
Barcode | 8-51120-00428-3 |