Sequent Riesling 750ml
Sequent Riesling 750ml
With three decades of industry experience, we’re proud to make great wine - each consecutive step sequent. We source the best fruit from world-class vineyards we know and like and have collaborated with award-winning (secret!) winemakers who work their magic in the winery. With the help of our friends we make the wine we want to drink and share. Delicious wine to truly honour the grape variety and pay homage to the region. Great examples to showcase each unique South Australian region, signature variety and local winemaker’s craft. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Vintages may vary. Email us at if you would like confirmation.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Sequent |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 11.2% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | Riesling |
Wine Body | Medium |
Country | Australia |
Region | Clare Valley |
Wine Region | Clare Valley |
Barcode | 9369998156856 |