Kings County Blended Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Kings County Blended Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Crafted exclusively from in-house, pot-distilled straight Bourbon comprising two-thirds of the blend, along with corn, rye, and malt Whiskeys, this unique concoction matures gracefully for a period spanning two to four years. The resulting blend embodies a vibrant, intricate, and approachable character, making it suitable for various occasions, whether enjoyed neat or incorporated into mixed drinks. Founder Colin Spoleman aptly characterizes this fresh label as a "superior, all-purpose spirit," offering a heightened level of versatility compared to the other Whiskeys in the lineup, particularly in its compatibility for cocktail mixing. Demonstrating a commitment to utmost transparency, the distillery prominently discloses the specific proportions of each spirit type, as well as their respective ages and barrel formats, on every bottle.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Kings County |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 43.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Country | United States |
Region | New York |
Barcode | 8-53396-00749-4 |