Hahndorf Hill Rose 750ml
Hahndorf Hill Rose 750ml
Produced in the typical French Provençal style from a blend of the rare Germanic grape, Trollinger, and other Adelaide Hills red fruit. A dry and refreshing rosé with a beautiful watermelon juice colour and a succulent nose of red cherries, rich baked apple and gentle spice, that will have you salivating before you even take a sip. Intense and lively on the palate with a rush of crushed red berries and red apple, it has a gentle textural rub with a super-racy, long juicy finish.
Perfectly matched with all seafood and South East Asian cuisine - and is fearless when matched with any chilli-based cuisine.
Vintages may vary. Email us at info@boozebud.com if you would like confirmation.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Hahndorf Hill |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 12.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Rose Wine |
Style | Rosé |
Wine Body | Medium |
Country | Australia |
Region | South Australia |
Wine Region | Adelaide Hills |