Fox Creek Short Row Shiraz 750ml
Fox Creek Short Row Shiraz 750ml
First produced in 1999, Short Row Shiraz acknowledges the traditional McLaren Vale Shiraz style that has brought the region the recognition and standing amongst the great wine regions of the world. A style based on a powerful fruit driven front and mid palate, with rich ripe tannins requiring significant new oak influence to be brought back into a semblance of balance. This big and rich Shiraz has been tamed slightly over the years to enhance its drinkability and poise in the glass but it still packs a punch on the palate. The original incarnation was from the short row vineyard, which is characterised by a magnificent big ball of fruit on the mid palate. We select parcels from other vineyards that exhibit similar flavour and tannin profiles.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Fox Creek |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 14.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Shiraz |
Wine Body | Full |
Country | Australia |
Region | McLaren Vale |
Wine Region | McLaren Vale |